It starts innocently enough, that little cartridge in your Pilot Metro. Before you know it, you’re on the Iroshizuku. Then you discover Sailor and it’s all down hill from there. Itching for your next Ink Fix but not sure where to start? Let us help! The Ink Fix Subscription Box delivers 6+ ink samples to your door, curated to a monthly theme– you won’t know what’s in store until you open up your box to get your fix.
A limited number of boxes are available each quarter, and annual subscribers will be prioritised.
Individual boxes: $35 AUD
Annual A Year of Fixes Subscription: $120 AUD
Ink Fix Subscription boxes ship to Australia and New Zealand only. Sorry, world!
Shipping cost: free!
Got questions?
“So, what kind of inks can I expect to get in this box?”
Well, on a box-to-box basis it’s a surprise, but generally speaking we want to make the Ink Fix worth your while. We’re committed to including:
- higher-end/more expensive inks that you wouldn’t want to splash out on without trying first;
- rarer/harder-to-obtain inks that you might not have heard of, or known where to buy;
- and, of course, some of the best and most beautiful of the more accessible inks we all know and love!
Additionally, most of our boxes include a bonus goodie related to the theme of the month. Sometimes, we elect to skip the bonus and give you more samples instead. Either way, you win!
“How much ink can I expect to get in this box?”
The samples in the Ink Fix box are approximately 2mL in volume: enough for a few converters-full if you decide you like it, but not so much that you don’t get around to trying the other inks in the Fix. We’ll never send you fewer than five different samples at the absolute minimum (and if that happened, it would be because we spent all our ink money on a really rad present for you).
“I typed my address wrong and my Ink Fix got sent back. Can you send it back to me?”
We can do that! You’ll have to wait for it to come back to us first, and we will ask you to cover the cost of re-postage, but you’ll get your fix… eventually…
“How do I show off my haul?”
Any way you want! We’ve got a super cool Facebook group specifically for the Ink Fix; you can post on our Facebook page; or tag @fountainpensupplies or #inkfixbox on Instagram. We love seeing the box in the wild!