Ink Fix #14 Revealed

Ink Fix #14 reveal

COVID-19 has robbed us of a lot of things this year. Things we took for granted, like seeing others face to face; and things that cannot be replaced, such as loved ones and the ability to hug them whenever we want. Not being able to take vacations seems such a small loss in the face of that, but we tried our best to take you on a small inky holiday around the world for Ink Fix #14.

Featured inks in Ink Fix #14 were (from top to bottom in the above picture):

Monteverde Sweet Life Keylime Pie

A bright, zesty green

Bungukan Kobayashi feat. Ken Takeda Sunrise Light Over Mt. Fuji

A pinkish mauve with grey undertones

Pure Pens Cotswolds

Mustard yellow with shade

PenBBS #283 Petra

A rustic, cool red

Diamine Aurora Borealis

Red-sheening vibrant teal

Noodler’s Ink Rome Burning

A muddy brown that turns purple when exposed to water

Food stickers

What’s with the stickers this month? Well, apart from holidays being a great way to try foods that aren’t common in your areas, we’re taking a huge vacation from anything resembling a diet– and we know you are too!

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